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Global call to members/associate members for Expression of interest (EOI) to work in the Social Media Committee

We invite all members/associate members to join us in the Social Media Committee of ISRNM. The role of this committee is to promote ISRNM through various social media tools and activities. If you are interested, please send an email to our Secretariat to express your interest no later than May 12, 2021 and include a brief CV and a brief action plan in your email.

Education Committee


to develop education contents for ‘Knowledge Gateway’, a new education platform of our Society website.

Patient Resources Committee


to develop Patient Resources Corner in the website and to engage in developing patients’ education activities in renal nutrition and metabolism.

Publication Committee


to identify areas or topics of interest or importance to develop Society represented publications and develop writing groups for these publications.

International Relations Committee


to develop collaborative activities and partnerships with other international, regional or national organizations to meet the mission and visions of ISRNM and promote renal nutrition and metabolism.

Funding Committee


to explore and source for funding, resources, sponsorships or donation opportunities for the Society.

Membership Committee


to develop strategies to promote memberships of ISRNM.

Congress Committee


to review the future bidding of Society Congresses and other meeting events.

Nomination Committee

Social Media Committee


 to take care of the nomination and election activities of the Council and Executive Committee.


 Disseminate through social networks (facebook, twitter and Instagram) in the renal nutrition societies 

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