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The 7 candidates for Councillor

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Arpana Iyengar
MD (India)

I , Dr Arpana Iyengar am a professor of Paediatric Nephrology from St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India.  Being an active academician and clinical researcher for more than 2 decades, I have developed a special interest in paediatric renal nutrition that paved the way to being a member of the ISRNM.


My statement of interest: By receiving an opportunity to be a member of the ISRNM council, I hope to support the growth of paediatric renal nutrition through specific programs and collaboration especially in LMICS/LICS, where the burden of nutritional deficiency is alarming.


Leadership roles that I have executed on the International front: I am the current Chair of the Clinical research program and the Lead of the Mentorship program under the International Society of Nephrology 2021-2023.I am also the executive member of the South Asian Regional Board of the ISN.


My academic contributions in the field of renal nutrition include:

  1. Expert faculty in the Delphi Survey on the Paediatric Renal Nutrition Task Force [PRNT] recommendations for paediatric CKD

  2. Speaker on Renal Nutrition at the IFKF meetings at Chennai 2017 and IFKF-WKA meeting April 2022.

  3. I am due to complete my PhD thesis by August 2022 on “ Protein energy wasting (PEW) in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD):  Assessment tools and Nutritional links’.

  4. Recipient of an educational grant for capacity building (Including paediatric nutrition for CKD) from Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai- 2014-2020.

  5. Invited to be a moderator for the paediatric renal nutrition session at the ISRNM conference in June 2022.

  6. Publications on renal nutrition:

  • A Iyengar and RH Mak. Assessment of Undernutrition in Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease. Gaps and Opportunities. doi: 10.3389/fped.2022.866498.

  • Iyengar A, Luyckx VA. Accessibility of Nutrition Care for Kidney Disease Worldwide. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Jan;17(1):8-10. doi: 10.2215/CJN.14861121.

  • Iyengar A, Kuriyan R, Kurpad AV, Vasudevan A. Body fat in children with chronic kidney disease - A comparative study of bio-impedance analysis with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Indian J Nephrol 2021;31:39-42

  • Iyengar A, Raj JM, Vasudevan A. Protein Energy Wasting in Children With Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Kidney Disease: An Observational Study. J Ren Nutr. 2021 May;31(3):270-277. doi: 10.1053/j.jrn.2020.08.002.

  • RK.Rahman, A Mattilda, A Iyengar. Assessment of dietary phosphorus intake and implementation of parental phosphate education in pediatric chronic kidney disease. Accepted for publication in the Indian journal of Nephrology 2022.

A Iyengar, John M. R. Ashok, A Vasudevan. Subjective global nutritional assessment [SGNA] in children on chronic dialysis- A prospective observational study. Accepted for publication in the Indian Journal of Nephrology 2022

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