62nd ERA Congress
June 4-7, 2025

Visit the Website: https://icrnm.aey-congresse.de/
Perspectives on Dietary Protein Intake in Non-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease
August 20th, 2024
4:00pm CEST

The recording of the webinar is available on the Knowledge Gateway Page in the "Members Zone" section.
ISRNM General Assembly
ISRNM will hold a virtual General Assembly meeting for all our ISRNM members and associate members on 10 January, 2023, 10-11PM HK Time. A separate registration link will be sent to all our members, associate members so for your registration. Please save the date and mark your calendar for the General Assembly.

I would like to thank the ICRNM 2022 Congress President Prof Yu Xue Qing and his team for the leadership and great success of the hybrid congress of ICRNM 2022 in June 16-18, 2022. We have over 1200 participants from all over the world attending this hybrid congress. Thanks to the congress local organizing team, Scientific Program Committee, all our plenary speakers, and all other sessions’ speakers and moderators that made it a success.
We are very pleased to mention that most plenary speakers and congress speakers have provided consent to share their lecture videos during ICRNM 2022 in our ‘Knowledge Gateway’, a Members-only zone of ISRNM, to enable our Members and Associate members to continue education at their own time in the coming 2 years till the ICRNM 2024!
Please visit: www.ISRNM.org (Knowledge Gateway) to access these videos. You are very welcome to join membership of ISRNM anytime to access these videos for education Click here to join membership.
We would like to congratulate the winners again here for the Abstracts Awards in ICRNM 2022 and for their support to ISRNM.
ICRNM 2022 congress - video playback now available in Knowledge Gateway, Member zone.
#29# Risk Factors of Frailty in Elderly Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: a cross-sectional observational study in China
Che Wang,Guangyan Cai
#185# Effects of an intradialytic bicycle ergometer exercise program on mitochondrial biogenesis markers in CKD patients
Jessyca Brito、Drielly Reis、Greicielle Silva、Bruna Paiva、Natalia Borges、Ludmila Cardozo、Denise Mafra
#214# Effects of propolis supplementation on uremic toxins in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a randomized, double-blind controlled clinical trial
Larissa Fonseca、Tuany Chermut、Nathalia Figueiredo、Viviane de Oliveira Leal、Natalia Alvarenga Borges、Ludmila FMF Cardozo、Livia Alvarenga、Bruna Regis、Andressa Berreta、Marcelo Ribeiro-Alves、Lia S Nakao、Denise Mafra
#54# The effect of ß-glucan prebiotic on the gut microbiome, uremic toxins and kidney function in predialysis chronic kidney disease participants: A randomized controlled trial.
Zarina Ebrahim、Sebastian Proost、Raes Jeroen、Renée Blaauw、Glorieux Griet、Tito Raul Yhossef、Mohamed Rafique Moosa
Thanks to all the sponsors and participants to their support of ICRNM 2022.
The ISRNM Patient Resources Committee developed a short survey to gather feedback on our Patients' Corner from patients with kidney disease, their families and caretakers, and healthcare professionals. The survey will just take a few minutes of your time.
Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be analyzed anonymously.
To begin, please click HERE.
Thank you very much in advance for participating this important survey!
New Collaborations and Partnerships with ISRNM in 2023

We are very honoured to announce some new collaborating partners with ISRNM in the coming years.
i) we are collaborating with the Korean Society of Nephrology (KSN) to advance education in renal nutrition and metabolism in the coming years. Our first partnering event is a Joint session of KSN and ISRNM in the coming KSN annual scientific Meeting in 30 April 2023. Kindly see attached link for more details.
ii) we are very honoured to collaborate with European Renal Association (ERA) in the coming years, of which further details will be announced in due course.
Further Consolidation of Existing Collaborations
with ISRNM in 2023
We are extremely honoured to continue and consolidate our collaborations with International Society of Nephrology (ISN), GREX and International Federation of Kidney Foundation – World Kidney Alliance (IFKF-WKA) into 2023 for more partnerships on education events and activities. Please stay tune for further announcements in 2023.
Society Publications
In the last 2 years, ISRNM has assembled a guest editorial team (including Brandon Kistler, Kelly Lambert, Keiichi Sumida and Angela Wang) to develop a special issue to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of ISRNM in the Journal of Renal Nutrition (JReN) under the leadership of Kam Kalantar-Zadeh and Linda Moore, Co-Editors-in-chief of JReN. The special issue will be released sometime in 2023. Please stay tune at our website and Journal of Renal Nutrition website and also our social media for its release.
2026 Congress Bidding
If you are interested to host and bid for ICRNM 2026, please submit your congress bid to our Secretariat <secretariat@isrnm.org> for the 2026 ICRNM congress. Deadline for bid submission is December 15th, 2024.
We are very pleased to see a continuing growth in the membership of ISRNM (including health professionals, patients and other stakeholders) and also individuals signing up for our society newsletter and Patients’ Corner. Please continue to engage with our activities and support ISRNM in 2023!
Feel free to contact our Secretariat for your suggestions on ISRNM activities! If you are interested to join the working Committees of ISRNM, please email secretariat@ISRNM.org
New Chair of Membership Committee
Thanks to Prof Cai Guang-Yan for leading the Membership Committee in the last 2 years and may we welcome Giacomo Garibotto for taking up the Chairing Role of Membership Committee in 2023.
We are very saddened to hear sudden passing of Dr. Anita Saxena, Professor, Department of Nephrology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, on 6th November 2022. Anita was actively involved in the management of renal nutrition patients throughout her career. Her contribution in the field of renal nutrition in the South Asian region has been outstanding. She established the Indian Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism and also was the founding Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Society. She was actively involved in mentoring numerous renal dietitians and actively involved in the activities of the ISRNM. May we send our deepest condolences to Dr Saxena’s family. She will be dearly missed by all of us and by the ISRNM for all her significant contributions and work to the field of renal nutrition.

Education Webinars
Thanks to Brandon Kistler and Annabel Biruete and the entire Education Committee for organizing the various education events in the last 2 years. In 2021-2022, fourteen webinars have been set up (among them, 2 sponsored webinars). Thanks to Annabel for leading the Article Bites. Upcoming, there will be a webinar sponsored by Fresenius Kabi in the first half of 2023. Please stay tune at ISRNM.org for official announcement of this event and other education webinar. May we thank ISN, KDIGO, International Federation of Kidney Foundation-World Kidney Alliance (IFKF-WKA) for the joint education webinars in 2022.
Patients Resources Short Survey
Thanks to Keiichi Sumida, Chair of Patients Resources Committee for developing a short survey. We acknowledged all the recipes provision by various members of the Patients Resources Committee. Do take your time to surf our website for kidney healthy recipes. Please fill in the survey so we can understand your needs better.
To begin, please click HERE.
The ISRNM is pleased to announce the 2022 election of new Executive Committee Officers, Councillors and Associate Councillor.
As prescribed in the ISRNM Bylaws, an election should be held to announce a slate of new Executive Committee Officers and to elect three Councillors and one Associate Councillor every 2 years. The Councillors and Associate Councillor serve a term of 4 years. Councillors are elected on a staggered basis with 3 chosen during each election. The Associate Councillor is elected during alternating election cycles. Executive Committee Officers serve a 2-year term; the Secretary and Treasurer may be re-elected for a second term. The Past-President, President and President-elect serve only one term.
In late Spring of 2022, the ISRNM President appointed a Nominating Committee to develop a slate of Executive Committee Officers from current members of the Executive Committee or Council. The President also issued a call for nominations for Councillors and Associate Councillor; the nominating Committee vetted the Council nominees to ensure qualifications. Current members of ISRNM may vote in the election based on their paid membership status - either as a Full or Associate Member. Full Members may vote to elect new Councillors. Associate Members may vote to elect an Associate Councillor.
The 2022-2024 Executive Committee Officers will be:
Past President – Angela Yee-Moon Wang, MD, PhD (Hong Kong SAR, China)
President – Russ Price, Ph.D. (USA)
President-elect – Csaba Kovesdy, MD (USA)
Treasurer – Allon Friedman, MD (USA)
Secretary – Martin Kuhlmann (Germany)
The following ISRNM Members are nominated for a Councillor position and are listed in alphabetical order (4 to be elected).
Note: One extra Councillor will be elected to replace Allon Friedman who is the proposed Treasurer, otherwise, he would have completed his term as Councillor:
Arpana Iyengar, MD (India)
Laetitia Koppe, MD PhD (France)
Robert Mak, MD PhD (USA)
KS Nayak, MD (India)
Connie Rhee, MD (USA)
Paramat Thimachai, MD (Thailand)
Kenneth Wilund, PhD (USA)
The following Associate Members of ISRNM are nominated for the Associate Councillor position and Chair of the Associate Members Steering Committee (1 to be elected). This person will also be an ad hoc member of the Executive Committee:
Kelly Lambert, PhD (Australia)
Jesse Pavlinac, MS (USA)
Cassianne Robinson-Cohen, PhD (USA)
The following Councillors will continue to serve out their term on Council:
Jerrilynn Burrowes, PhD, RD, CDN, FNKF (USA)
Giuliano Brunori, MD (Italy)
The following nonvoting Ex Officio Councillors will continue to serve on Council:
Joel Kopple, MD (USA, Lifetime appointment)
Shaul Massry (USA, Lifetime appointment)
Denis Fouque (France)
The following are nonvoting, organization liaisons to the Council:
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, MD, MPH, PhD (USA, Editor-in-Chief, J Renal Nutrition)
Linda W. Moore, PhD, RDN, LD, CCRP (USA, Editor-in-Chief, J Renal Nutrition)
Ken Wilund, PhD (USA, Global Renal Exercise Group)
Election ballots will be emailed to current ISRNM Members with a subject line: 2022 ISRNM Elections. Submit your ballot by 28 Nov 2022.
January/February 2023
Last, as I finish my 4 years Presidency term and before turning to 2023, I would like to thank all our Past Presidents, the ISRNM Executive committee, Full council, Our Journal Editors and all our Committees for all their wonderful contributions and efforts with ISRNM activities and development in the last few years. It’s been a great honour and privilege to work with everyone in the ISRNM Council and Network and thanks to everyone for this enriching and remarkable experiences.
As we are changing over to a new Council in Jan 2023, I would like to thank Giacomo Garibotto and Alison Steiber for all their contributions to the Executive Committee in the last 4 years and Kunitoshi Iseki, Martin Kuhlmann and Katrina Campbell for their contributions to the Council as their 6 years’ Council terms came close.
I would like to thank all our partnering organizations including ERA, GREX, IFKF-WKA, ISN, Japanese Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism, KDIGO, and KSN (in alphabetical order) for their collaborations and support.
Our activities would not be feasible without your support. I would like to acknowledge fund support from the following companies to ISRNM in the last years: Fresenius Kabi, Dr Schaer Flavis, BBraun Avitum Italy and BBRAUN Milan. We look forward to more collaborations with you and other companies in the coming year. If you are interested to sponsor our education events in the coming year, please email us at: secretariat@ISRNM.org
Last, may I wish you all a most wonderful, healthy and prosperous 2023 and we look forward to a fresh, bright and exciting start in 2023 with the incoming President Russ Price and new Council of ISRNM!